BBB Renewal Packet

At Better Business Bureau, I was tasked with upgrading our renewal and welcome packets. As a companion piece to the BBB Welcome Packet, the BBB Renewal Packet's intention is to welcome back members and thank them for their continued support of an ethical marketplace. The packet comes with a brochure on making the most of their BBB accreditation through partnerships and advertising, an annual report, and a keepsake notebook for them to jot down their thoughts.

BBB Welcome Packet

At Better Business Bureau, I was tasked with upgrading the standard welcome packet. BBB wanted to make a great first impression with new BBB Accredited Businesses in order to foster a deep connection at the onset of their membership. Instead of a mess of papers in a 9" x 12" envelope, which you hoped someone would read, our creative team worked on a packet that would both impress physically and convey the importance/honor of accreditation.

This welcome packet is a one-stop-shop for all things BBB--information on programs, standards, agreements, advertising opportunities, decals, stickers, and a BBB Accredited Business card. With the design, we pushed the boundaries of the strict BBB brand guidelines. What we created was a unique piece not only for the BBB system but for most nonprofits.


Video & Motion Graphics


Logos & Typography